Take baked potatoes to the ultimate level with cheesy goodness. You'll bake potatoes then mix with cheese and chives and cook until golden. A delicious snack for any time of day.
Serves 2
Prep 10 mins
Cook 70 mins
Everyday Balance™ 90kcal each
Power Foods™
2 large baking potatoes
1Og fresh chives, finely chopped
Counted Ingredients
120g light soft cheese (180kcal)
Prepare your ingredients
Preheat the oven to 220 °C (fan 200 °C, gas mark 7) and prepare your ingredients
1. Spray the potatoes with low-calorie cooking spray, prick with a fork
Wrap the potatoes in baking foil and cook in the oven for 45-60 mins or until the potatoes are soft inside when pierced with a fork
2. When the potatoes are cooked, remove from oven and allow to cool slightly - these are your baked potatoes
3. Now cut the potatoes in half and scoop out all of the flesh into a bowl
Add the cheese and chives and give everything a good mix up Spoon the mixture back into the potato skins and lightly mist with low-calorie cooking spray
4. Put the potatoes back in the oven and cook for a further 10 mins until golden
Sprinkle with any remaining chives to garnish and serve as a side dish or as a meal with a mixed salad